ACF interview practice – Nov ’23

Wednesday 15th November 2000-2200 via Microsoft Teams

Mock interviews for Academic Clinical Fellowships.

Thanks to everyone who came along took part.

Here is the recording: ACF interview prep-20231115_200001-Meeting Recording.mp4
[If you haven’t already, I would be grateful if you would still fill in the form below so I can send you a feedback request.]

Here is my list of practice questions.

Plus, see Appendix 6 from the NIHR guidance for example interview questions.

Please share with anyone who may find this helpful.
Drop me an email if you have any questions or found it useful (jpmann.gsy [at]

We will run it as an open session so everyone listens to each other.

The first 9 signing up will be asked questions and then given feedback in front of the rest of the group listening. Everyone is welcome to watch/listen if more than 9 sign-up, or if you don’t want to speak. (There will people from a variety of specialties practicing.)

I’ll email out the Teams link on Monday 13th.

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